Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A Prophecy In Response to the Atheist "Mega-Church" Movement....

In Response to the Atheist "Mega-Church" Movement that started in Great Britain, and is now moving in Australia and across the US, God gave me this prophecy.

While praying for the founders, Sanderson Jones and Pippa Evans, from my heart, I began to pray for God to forgive them. I sincerely believe they don't know what they were doing. While I prayed, God gave me this word to share with them, their followers and all that have read news of it.

 “This work is one in which I will ultimately be glorified in. While you gather in your churches to exclude Me, and sing and fellowship and try to keep Me out, I will not be able to stay outside of your gatherings. A cry and a need will come from the midst of you and I will answer that cry and will shake your places and cause your eyes to see that I am real and that I am God. You will see Me move mightily in a way you never thought possible and you will fall on your knees and cry and repent. When this happens, your atheist churches will turn into believing churches, and in a place where I was not present, I will make My presence known. Your founders will be a beacon in the earth for Me. For they are chosen to be saints, My elect, and will give their lives to Me completely. They choose not to believe in Me, but I believe in them and will use them greatly to advance My Kingdom. Says the Lord.” 


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